ICUID 2025 

International Conference on Urban Infrastructure Development

Future Infrastructure under Turbulent-Uncertain-Novel-Ambiguous Era

Bandung, 8-9 September 2025


The availability of infrastructure plays an important role in improving economic growth and social welfare. Infrastructure investment, both short and long term, has a positive impact on the reduction of poverty and social inequality, the creation of jobs, the improvement of the quality of human resources, and local and political stability. Infrastructure also represents a significant factor in the country’s competitiveness. However, data and facts show that there is a gap between demand and supply globally because of various factors. Sustainability issues with its three pillars, namely economic, social, and environmental, as an awareness regarding natural resources to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs become increasingly prominent. Today’s infrastructure is not only reliable and efficient but is also required to be more environmentally friendly and acceptable to society. The development of computing technology allows an implementation in smart infrastructure based on data and information to meet the increasing demand of society as their technology literacy improves. 

Dynamic changes in infrastructure development pose challenges in the infrastructure delivery system. The business as usual approach is no longer relevant to the current situation, especially when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in early 2020, which had a significant impact on the development of infrastructure; it provides valuable lessons for how future infrastructure that is more resilient must be developed.

The issue on urban infrastructure development is a multidimensional issue that requires multidisciplinary solutions. Actuarial engineering, artificial intelligence, asset management, community development, concurrent engineering, construction digitalization, construction engineering, construction management, decision science, disaster management, financial engineering, green infrastructure, human capital, information management, the Internet of Things, lean construction, legal and regulatory studies, machine learning, mobile computing, neural networks, procurement, project finance, project management, public communication, public-private partnerships, relational governance, risk management, simulation analysis, smart technology, social and economic analysis, social engineering, stakeholder management, sustainable infrastructure and system analysis are several areas of knowledge required to offer innovative and holistic solutions.